Our pasta sauces

Based on authentic recipes

Every region, town and village has its own specialities, particularly when it comes to their pasta and pasta sauces. The choice of pasta and pasta sauce combination is one that is not taken lightly; it is carefully considered to ensure that the sauce adheres lusciously to the pasta due to the pasta’s specific shape and structure. In addition, the sauces were first devised with local ingredients and the herbs that were available. As Italy is so large and the landscape so varied, it meant that different specialities evolved in different regions throughout the country.

Our pasta sauces are based on those varied, authentic Italian recipes from the different regions, and are made so that they are convenient to use if you don’t have much time but still want that delicious Italian flavour. They contain 100% sun-dried Italian tomatoes and a soffritto* base because, after all, it simply tastes best.

And remember to add the pasta to your sauce before serving – just as the Italians do.

*Soffritto is a traditional base used for Italian pasta sauces, made from gently fried vegetables to produce an intense, deep flavour.