Searching for the very best in Italian cuisine since 1865

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The most delicious recipes based on authentic Italian dishes

You’ll be amazed by the rich flavours and simplicity of Italian cuisine. Here, every time you look, you will find new, easy-to-make recipes that evoke the intense, deep flavours of Italy. You can either make them completely from scratch or use Bertolli products to turn every meal into a feast. Enjoy La Dolce Vita!

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The very best, in all its simplicity – that’s the essence of Italian cuisine.

Our founder, Francesco Bertolli, summed it up well: ‘Ingredienti puri e naturali preparati in tutto la loro semplicità sono l’essenza della grande cucina Italiana.’ In other words: simplicity, that’s the essence of Italian cuisine. And, after all these years, here at Bertolli, we still live and work by that philosophy. Searching for the richness of simplicity of pure ingredients.